A reflection on debt

Reflections for the day

Philippians 4:19

And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 6:34

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Prayer covers the whole of man’s life. There is no thought, feeling, yearning, or desire, however low, trifling, or vulgar we may deem it, which, if it affects our real interest or happiness, we may not lay before God and be sure of sympathy. His nature is such that our often coming does not tire him. The whole burden of the whole life of every man may be rolled on to God and not weary him, though it has wearied the man.

– Henry Ward Beecher

A reflection on debt

Heavenly Father,

We are able to see that the economic situation we are faced with in this country is one that can be described as tenuous. We are able to see that for many of us our financial situations are ones that can be described as difficult. We are able to see that for some of us the economic situation has meant a loss of jobs, and we are able to see that for some of us it has meant a loss of our homes. We are able to see that for many of us we are faced with a working life that will be longer, we are able to see that for many of us we are faced with a salary that may be reduced, and we are able to see that for many of us we are faced with a pension plan that will be less than what we have hoped for.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see that many of us now have feelings that can be described as less than content. We are able to see that for some of us we have feelings that can be described as a depressed state, and we are able to see that some of us are in what can be described as a state of worry.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that you know all, and we acknowledge that you see all, and we acknowledge that you know and see all our worries and concerns.

Heavenly Father, you are a  compassionate Father  and you are  a loving Father, and you are Our Heavenly Farther who is ever present, and you are Our Heavenly Father who is here for us to bring all our worries and concerns to you.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that your Scriptures teach us much about the nature of Man and we acknowledge that there are many situations in your Scriptures where Man has been filled with despair. We are able to see that many of the Psalms reflect upon the anguish of Man, and we are able to see that the Psalms teach us to call out to you from a place of pain, and to trust that you love us and can help us.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time that our Government is preparing a budget, and it is at this time there are many concerns by Man about the nature of this budget. Heavenly Father, we ask that you will place opportunities before our Government to reflect carefully on ways in which the burden of debt can be eased for all.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that some of us are less than wise in handling  money, and we acknowledge that for some of us this means a debt is incurred which is difficult  to be addressed. We ask you to guide us to be prudent with our spending, and we ask you to assist us with managing a budget that is personal.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that Mankind will turn to you, and we hope and we pray that Mankind can reflect upon the error of a way, and we hope and we pray that this will mean a change of direction for Mankind, in terms of being responsible for expenditure, both in a public manner and in a way that is personal.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to you now all that has been said in the name of yourself, Our Heavenly Father, and in the name of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who together with your Holy Spirit reigns on most high and is the Governor of all who live in this world, and is Our Heavenly Father who can help all to see a way forward clearly if a faith, and if a trust, and if a belief, is placed in the unseen, now and always, for evermore.


Posted on March 16, 2012, in debt and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Daphne Williams

    Unfortunately, we belong to an era where , by the use of credit cards, we are enable to purchase anything we desire. As a child during the second world war, we had to ensure our survival by growing vegetables and fruit and a spartan diet. We were actually very healthy as a result. Father, please help us to adapt our lives to the present situation and move forward in thy presence

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