Category Archives: Pentecost

A reflection on Pentecost

Reflections for the day

John 14:16-17

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

Acts 2:1-4

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.


“If the spiritual life be healthy, under the full power of the Holy Spirit, praying without ceasing will be natural.”

Andrew Murray


“Since the days of Pentecost, has the whole church ever put aside every other work and waited upon Him for ten days that the Spirit’s power might be manifested? We give too much attention to method and machinery and resources, and too little to the source of power.”

 Hudson Taylor

A reflection on Pentecost

Heavenly Father,

Thou art the creator of thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to all of Mankind, and thou hath created all things unseen by all of Mankind. Thou art almighty, and thou art most powerful, and we praise thou, and we exalt thou, for thou power, and for thou mightiness.

Heavenly Father, thou art Our Heavenly Father who is loving, and thou art Our Heavenly Father who is compassionate, and thou loves each and every one of us. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is all encompassing, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by words, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by time, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by energy.We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou with all of a heart, and to love thou with all of a soul, and to love thou with all of a mind, and to love thou with all of a strength. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that overspills into a relationship, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou neighbour, in thou way that thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ loves us all.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge thou as one Father, and we acknowledge thou as eternally existent in three persons, as thou Father, as thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and as thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou manifest in the flesh, and we acknowledge thou intention that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, came into thou world to redeem all of Mankind from all sins, and for all of Mankind to be shown thou way to thou. We acknowledge that thou, and thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou source of all wisdom and thou source of all counsel, and we acknowledge that thou, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, stands supreme above all. We acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables many to live a life that can be described as one that thou desires, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables all of Mankind to witness thou word which is of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables all of Mankind to work in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we reflect upon the nature of Pentecost. We acknowledge that thou Scriptures reveal that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, at a time of prayer, and a time of prayer was one that followed thou baptism of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, by thou servant John. We acknowledge that an event was one that preceded thou ministry of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that thou ministry of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was one that was marked by thou manifestation of thou power.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou disciples and others, and that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou disciples and others, at a time known as the Feast of Pentecost, and at a time when thou disciples and others were in prayer. We acknowledge that an event known to all of Mankind as one of Pentecost was one that preceded thou ministry of thou disciples, and that thou ministry of thou disciples was one that was marked by thou manifestation of thou power.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that at the time of thou baptism of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, that thou proclaimed thou unity with thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and with thou Holy Spirit, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that at the time which is known as Pentecost that thou proclaimed thou unity with thou Church.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou power and thou mightiness are ones that enabled thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to carry out thou ministry, and we acknowledge that thou power and thou mightiness are ones that enabled thou disciples to carry out thou ministry, and we acknowledge that thou power and thou mightiness is one that is seen in thou Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that many believe that thou coming of thou Holy Spirit at Pentecost was one that marked thou birth of thou Church. We acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, said much to thou disciples about thou coming of thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou presence of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is one that is assured as one through thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit lives within Man, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit dwells amongst Man, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit advocates for Man.

Heavenly Father, we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to teach a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to comfort a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to guide a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to empower a self who is at one with thou, Our Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we ask thou to guide all of Mankind in a life that is one that is led daily, and we ask thou to guide a self to turn to thou always, and we ask thou to empower a self to serve another in thou name of thou, Our Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we hope and we pray that many will reflect carefully upon thou power of thou Holy Spirit, and we hope and we pray that a self will turn to thou, and we hope and we pray that a self will proclaim thou Gospel, and we hope and we pray that thou glory will be seen in the works that are good of a self.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, who together with thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all of Mankind, in order to redeem all of Mankind from all sins, and to show all of Mankind thou way to thou, and who together with thou Holy Spirit, who lives within Man, and who dwells amongst Man, and who advocates for Man, is, and was, and always will be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power and being, that advocates for all who are of thou world that we live in, now and always, for evermore.
