Category Archives: The demise of the Eurozone

A reflection on the demise of the Eurozone

Reflections for the day

Romans 5: 1-5

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

God shapes the world by prayer. The prayers of God’s saints are the capital stock of heaven by which God carries on His great work upon the earth.

[E.M. Bounds]

A reflection on the demise of the Eurozone

Heavenly Father,

We art thankful that thou art present always, and we art thankful that thou doth love all of Mankind, and we art thankful that thou doth care for all of Mankind, and we art thankful that thou art here for all of Mankind to turn to in prayer.

Heavenly Father, we desire that thou nation known as thou United Kingdom, and we desire that thou nation known as Spain, and we desire that thou nation known as Italy, and we desire that thou nation known as Portugal, and we desire that thou nation known as Germany, and we desire that thou nation known as France, and we desire that thou nation known as Greece are able to see in a way that is clear that thou nations need to be at one with another.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there is much said in the media about the demise of the Eurozone, and we acknowledge there is much said in the media about what is described as a measure of austerity. We are able to see in a way that is clear that many desire a future which is one that is not constrained by what is described as a measure of austerity, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many desire a future where there is no longer an issue that relates to an economy, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many desire a future where there is no longer a fear of what is described as a loss of a job.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there are times when many  desire that a job is one that is secure, and we acknowledge that there are times when many desire that what is described as an expenditure is one that does not exceed an income. We are able to see in a way that is clear that what is described as the demise of the Eurozone is one that doth cause a feeling of despair amongst thou people, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many of thou people are unable to see a way forward in a way that is clear.

Heavenly Father, we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before many to enable many to see a way forward in a way that is clear, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before many to enable many to have a will to endure what is necessary, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before all  of thou nations who are deemed to be ones who are part of the Eurozone, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before thou nation known as thou United Kingdom, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before thou nation known as thou United States of America, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before thou nation known as China, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before thou nation known as Japan, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before thou nations known as thou Southern Americas, and we ask thou to provide a number of opportunities before thou nation known as Russia, that will allow all of thou nations to perceive, and to allow all of thou nations to discern, all that is desirous of Our Heavenly Father in terms of being of one accord with another, and in terms of allowing all of thou nations to be able to govern a nation in a way that can be described as fitting for a nation that is of thou.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that there are many nations that have been affected by the demise of the Eurozone, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that there are many nations who feel the need to implement what is described as a measure of austerity, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that there are many who feel that what is described as a measure of austerity is one that is somewhat harsh, and is one that many are unable to come to terms with.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou nations must come to terms with a future where spending is one that will need to be curbed, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many must come to terms with a future where many will have to forego what another would describe as a luxury of life, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many will need to come to terms with a future where a loss of a job will be incurred, or where a loss of a home will be incurred.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there are times when many have a feeling which can be described as a feeling of angst, and we acknowledge that there are times when many have a feeling which can be described as a feeling of ill will toward another, and we acknowledge that there are times when many have a feeling which can be described as a feeling of hate toward another, and we acknowledge that there are times when many have a feeling which can be described as a feeling of anxiety about what a future will hold.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that many will turn toward thou, and we hope and we pray that many will place a worry, and will place a concern with thou, and we hope and we pray that many will draw closer to thou, and we hope and we pray that many will be able to make the changes in a life of a self that is necessary.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake, in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and we uphold to thou all that hath been spake in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is thou way, and who is thou truth, and who is thou life, and who is thou way to thou, and we uphold to thou all that hath been spake in thou name of thou Holy Spirit, who lives within Man, and who dwells amongst Man, and who advocates for Man, now and always, for evermore.
