Category Archives: The Power of the Holy Spirit

A reflection of a life that is filled with thou Holy Spirit

Reflections for the day

John 14:16-17

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

Ephesians 5:18

 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

If the spiritual life be healthy, under the full power of the Holy Spirit, praying without ceasing will be natural.”

Andrew Murray

A reflection of a life that is filled with thou Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father,

Thou art Our Heavenly Father who is loving, and thou art Our Heavenly Father who is compassionate, and thou loves each and every one of us.Thou love for all of Mankind is one that is all encompassing, and thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by words, and thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by time, and thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by energy. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind enables all of Mankind to love thou with all of a heart, and to love thou with all of a soul, and to love thou with all of a mind, and to love thou with all of a strength. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that overspills into a relationship, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou neighbour, in thou way that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ loves us all.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge thou as one Father, and we acknowledge thou as eternally existent in three persons, as thou Heavenly Father, and as thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and as thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou manifest in the flesh, and we acknowledge thou intention was for thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to come into thou world to redeem all of Mankind from all sins, and to show all of Mankind thou way to thou. We acknowledge that thou, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou source of all wisdom and is thou source of all counsel, and we acknowledge that thou, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, stands supreme above all. We acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables many to live a life that can be described as one that thou desires, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables many to witness thou word of thou, Our Heavenly Father, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables many to work in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, thou art the creator of thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to all of Mankind, and thou hath created all things unseen by all of Mankind. Thou art almighty, and thou art most powerful, and we praise thou, and we exalt thou for thou power, and for thou mightiness. We acknowledge that thou power, and thou mightiness are ones that enabled thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to carry out thou ministry, and we acknowledge that thou power, and thou mightiness, are ones that enabled thou disciples to carry out thou ministry, and we acknowledge that thou power, and thou mightiness, is one that is seen through thou Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we reflect upon thou nature of thou Holy Spirit, and it is at this time we reflect upon a life that is one that is filled by thou Holy Spirit. We are able to see in a way that is clear that in order for a life to be one that is filled by thou Holy Spirit that there is a need to invite thou Holy Spirit to be at one with a self, and by inviting thou Holy Spirit to be at one with a self, there is a need to allow thou Holy Spirit to be one that fills a self, and by inviting thou Holy Spirit to be at one with a self there is a need to allow thou Holy Spirit to guide a self in all that is thought, and in all that is spake, and in all that is done.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit is one that will enlighten many, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit is one that will purify the soul of a self, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit is one that will help a self to draw closer to thou.

Heavenly Father, we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to teach all of Mankind, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to comfort a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to guide a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to empower a self.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we hope and we pray that all of Mankind will reflect carefully upon thou power of thou Holy Spirit, and we hope and we pray that a self will turn to thou, and we hope and we pray that a self will proclaim thou word that is of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and we hope and we pray that thou glory will be seen in thou works that are done in thou name of thou.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and we uphold all that hath been spake in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for all of Mankind, in order to redeem all of Mankind from all sins, and to show all of Mankind thou way to thou, and we uphold all that hath been spake in thou name of thou Holy Spirit, who lives within Man, and who dwells amongst Man, and who advocates for Man, now and always, for evermore.


A reflection on Pentecost

Reflections for the day

John 14:16-17

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

Acts 2:1-4

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.


“If the spiritual life be healthy, under the full power of the Holy Spirit, praying without ceasing will be natural.”

Andrew Murray


“Since the days of Pentecost, has the whole church ever put aside every other work and waited upon Him for ten days that the Spirit’s power might be manifested? We give too much attention to method and machinery and resources, and too little to the source of power.”

 Hudson Taylor

A reflection on Pentecost

Heavenly Father,

Thou art the creator of thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to all of Mankind, and thou hath created all things unseen by all of Mankind. Thou art almighty, and thou art most powerful, and we praise thou, and we exalt thou, for thou power, and for thou mightiness.

Heavenly Father, thou art Our Heavenly Father who is loving, and thou art Our Heavenly Father who is compassionate, and thou loves each and every one of us. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is all encompassing, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by words, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by time, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by energy.We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou with all of a heart, and to love thou with all of a soul, and to love thou with all of a mind, and to love thou with all of a strength. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that overspills into a relationship, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou neighbour, in thou way that thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ loves us all.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge thou as one Father, and we acknowledge thou as eternally existent in three persons, as thou Father, as thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and as thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou manifest in the flesh, and we acknowledge thou intention that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, came into thou world to redeem all of Mankind from all sins, and for all of Mankind to be shown thou way to thou. We acknowledge that thou, and thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou source of all wisdom and thou source of all counsel, and we acknowledge that thou, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, stands supreme above all. We acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables many to live a life that can be described as one that thou desires, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables all of Mankind to witness thou word which is of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables all of Mankind to work in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we reflect upon the nature of Pentecost. We acknowledge that thou Scriptures reveal that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, at a time of prayer, and a time of prayer was one that followed thou baptism of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, by thou servant John. We acknowledge that an event was one that preceded thou ministry of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that thou ministry of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was one that was marked by thou manifestation of thou power.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou disciples and others, and that thou Holy Spirit came upon thou disciples and others, at a time known as the Feast of Pentecost, and at a time when thou disciples and others were in prayer. We acknowledge that an event known to all of Mankind as one of Pentecost was one that preceded thou ministry of thou disciples, and that thou ministry of thou disciples was one that was marked by thou manifestation of thou power.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that at the time of thou baptism of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, that thou proclaimed thou unity with thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and with thou Holy Spirit, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that at the time which is known as Pentecost that thou proclaimed thou unity with thou Church.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou power and thou mightiness are ones that enabled thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to carry out thou ministry, and we acknowledge that thou power and thou mightiness are ones that enabled thou disciples to carry out thou ministry, and we acknowledge that thou power and thou mightiness is one that is seen in thou Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that many believe that thou coming of thou Holy Spirit at Pentecost was one that marked thou birth of thou Church. We acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, said much to thou disciples about thou coming of thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou presence of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is one that is assured as one through thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit lives within Man, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit dwells amongst Man, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit advocates for Man.

Heavenly Father, we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to teach a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to comfort a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to guide a self, and we are thankful that thou Holy Spirit is able to empower a self who is at one with thou, Our Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we ask thou to guide all of Mankind in a life that is one that is led daily, and we ask thou to guide a self to turn to thou always, and we ask thou to empower a self to serve another in thou name of thou, Our Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we hope and we pray that many will reflect carefully upon thou power of thou Holy Spirit, and we hope and we pray that a self will turn to thou, and we hope and we pray that a self will proclaim thou Gospel, and we hope and we pray that thou glory will be seen in the works that are good of a self.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, who together with thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all of Mankind, in order to redeem all of Mankind from all sins, and to show all of Mankind thou way to thou, and who together with thou Holy Spirit, who lives within Man, and who dwells amongst Man, and who advocates for Man, is, and was, and always will be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power and being, that advocates for all who are of thou world that we live in, now and always, for evermore.


A reflection on thou Church as thou family

Reflections of the day

1 Peter 2 4-10

As you come to him, the living Stone —rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture it says:

“See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a chosen and precious cornerstone,
and the one who trusts in him
will never be put to shame.”

 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe,

“The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone,”


“A stone that causes people to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall.”

They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

So when we sing, ‘Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,’ we are not thinking of the nearness of place, but of the nearness of relationship. It is for increasing degrees of awareness that we pray, for a more perfect consciousness of the divine Presence. We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts. –A.W. Tozer

A reflection on thou Church as thou family

Heavenly Father,

We acknowledge that thou loves each and every one of us, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is all encompassing, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou with all of a heart, and to love thou with all of a soul, and to love thou with all of a mind, and to love thou with all of a strength. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by words, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by time, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by energy. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that overspills into a relationship, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind enables all of Mankind to love thou neighbour, in thou way that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, loves us all. 

Heavenly Father, thou loves thou world that we live in, and thou revealed to all of Mankind thou love for thou world that we live in by sending into thou world that we live in thou beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all of Mankind in order to redeem all of Mankind from all sins, and to show all of Mankind thou way to thou.

Heavenly Father, thou art the creator of thou world and all that is in thou world, and thou hath created all things known to all of Mankind, and thou hath created all things unseen by all of Mankind. Thou hath created all of Mankind to be born with a particular appearance, and thou hath created all of Mankind to be born with a particular shape, and thou hath created all of Mankind to be born with a particular colour, and thou hath created all of Mankind to be born with a particular size, and thou hath created all of Mankind to be equal in thou eyes. Thou hath created all of Mankind for a purpose, and the purpose thou hath created all of Mankind for is to have a relationship, and thou hath created all of Mankind to have a relationship with thou, and thou hath created all of Mankind to have a relationship with another.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we reflect upon the nature of thou Church as thou family. We are able to see in a way that is clear that thou art intimately concerned with all relationships. We are able to see in a way that is clear that thou concern is how all of Mankind relate to all others.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church cannot belong to what is described as a culture. We acknowledge that thou desire is for all of Mankind to be at one with thou, and we acknowledge that thou desire is for all of Mankind to be at one with each other. We acknowledge that thou desire is for all of Mankind to listen to another, and we acknowledge that thou desire is for all of Mankind to learn from another, and we acknowledge that thou desire is for all of Mankind to love thou, and we acknowledge that thou desire is for all of Mankind to love another, and we acknowledge that thou desire is for all of Mankind to turn to thou always.

Heavenly Father, we ask thou to guide all of Mankind in a life that is led daily, and we ask thou to guide a self to overcome a prejudice of another.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou desire is for thou Church to be one that is drawn from every nation, and that thou desire is for thou Church to be one that is drawn from every tribe, and that thou desire is for thou Church to be one that is drawn from every people, and that thou desire is for thou Church to be one that is drawn from every language. We hope and we pray that all of Mankind will reflect carefully upon thou desire, and we hope and we pray that a self will draw closer to thou, and we hope and we pray that a self will draw closer to another.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is thou way, and who is thou truth, and who is thou life, and is thou way to thou, and in thou name of thou Holy Spirit, who lives within Man, and who dwells amongst Man, and who advocates for Man, now and always, for evermore.


A reflection on Church (its conformity)

Reflections for the day

1 Corinthians 3:11

 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:7

 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

The base trunk is our relationship with the Lord. Everything above it, all the branches, leaves and fruit rest in this relationship. It is out of our relationship with God that every kind of prayer comes forth. It is interesting that Jesus spoke of his relationship with his followers in similar terms. He said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

A reflection on Church (its conformity)

Heavenly Father,

Thou art Our Heavenly Father who is loving, and thou art Our Heavenly Father who is compassionate, and thou loves each and every one of us, We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is all encompassing, and we acknowledge that  thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by words, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by time, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that is not bound by energy. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou with all of a heart, and to love thou with all of a soul, and to love thou with all of a mind, and to love thou with all of a strength. We acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that overspills into a relationship, and we acknowledge that thou love for all of Mankind is one that enables all of Mankind to love thou neighbour, in thou way that thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, loves us all.

Heavenly Father, thou hath created thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to all of Mankind, and all things unseen by all of Mankind. Thou art Our Heavenly Father that sees all, and thou art Our Heavenly Father that knows all, and thou art Our Heavenly Father who is in possession of all thou facts.

Heavenly Father, thou hath sent into thou world thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in order to redeem all of Mankind from all sins. Thou art almighty, and thou art most powerful, and we praise thou for thou power and for thou mightiness. Thou art our Heavenly Father who is our redeemer.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we reflect upon the nature of thou Church, and it is at this time we reflect upon the conformity of thou Church. We are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church means many things to some, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church means one or two things to some, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church means little to some, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that for some thou Church means nothing at all.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there are many who desire to uphold thou Church that was established following the ascension of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we acknowledge that there are many who desire that thou Church is one that is attended, and we acknowledge that there are many who desire that thou Church is one that is meaningful, and we acknowledge that there are many who desire that thou Church is one that remains sacred.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church is one where there is a need to worship thou, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church is one where there is a need to pray to thou, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church is one where thou Holy Spirit is moving, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church is one where all of Mankind can be nourished in a way that is spiritual.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church is for all of Mankind, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou hath created all of Mankind for a purpose, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou purpose is for all of Mankind to draw closer to thou, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that by drawing closer to thou, thou glory is one that is evident.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church is a gathering of thou people, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Church is a scattering of thou people, and a scattering of thou people is one that enables a self to be a witness of thou word of thou, Our Heavenly Father, and a scattering is one that can be seen in a life of a self that is led daily.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we pray for thou Church, and we ask thou to guide a self to draw closer to thou, and we ask thou to guide a self to be thou witness of thou word that is of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and we ask thou to guide a self to emulate thou life of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope and we pray that thou Church is one that will remain constant, and we hope and we pray that thou Church is one that will uphold all of thou teachings, and we hope and we pray that a self will turn to thou.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, who together with thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and thou Holy Spirit, reigns on most high, and who governs all who are on thou earth that we live on, now and always, for evermore.


A reflection on conquering evil

Reflections for the day

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

John 14:30-31

I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.

The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayer-less religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.

– Samuel Chadwick

No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it.

– Guy H. King

A reflection on conquering evil

Heavenly Father,

Thou art a loving Father and thou art a Holy Father. We acknowledge thou sent thou only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, into thou world to save Mankind from all sin. We acknowledge that thou Scriptures reveal to Mankind that much of thou ministry of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was one which can be described as a conflict with evil, and we acknowledge that thou Scriptures reveal to Mankind that the death of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is one that glorifies thou name, and is one that overcomes all evil.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time that we reflect upon the nature of evil. We are able to see in a way that is clear that there are some who doubt the existence of an evil that can be described as personal, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that there are some who doubt the existence of an evil that can be described as malignant. We are able to see in a way that is clear that there are some who have a belief that there is good in thou world that we live in, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that there are some who believe that there is an evil that can be described as impersonal.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures reveal to Mankind that thou art all that is holy, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures reveal to Mankind that Satan is the personification of all that is evil. We acknowledge that thou Scriptures reveal what can be described as a conflict between heaven and hell. We are able to see in a way that is clear that much of what happens in thou world can be described as good, and that some of what happens in thou world can be described as evil. We acknowledge that many are able to see in a way that is clear that there is what can be described as a conflict between good and evil, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many desire for good to overcome all that is evil.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that evil can be overcome if we turn to thou. We acknowledge that through a faith of thou that it can be seen that the death of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is one that can be described as a victory over evil, and that thou desire is for all Mankind to be a follower of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in doing so to announce a victory over evil that is thou victory.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we ask thou to guide Mankind in a daily life, and we ask thou to guide Mankind to turn a back on all that is evil, and to turn to thou always. We ask thou to guide many to witness thou word, which is thou word which is good, and which is righteous, and we ask thou to guide all thou way to thou.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that there are times when many will be faced with a difficulty, and a difficulty that is faced will mean that some will turn a back on thou. We acknowledge that a difficulty that is faced will for some feel like a conflict of faith, and that a conflict of faith is one that will be described by some as one that is evil. We acknowledge that there is a need to be strong in a faith of thou always , and we acknowledge that there is a need to be steadfast in a faith of thou always. We are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures reveal to Mankind that there is a protection from all that is evil, and that a protection is one of thou cross, and that thou cross, and the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, are ones that are powerful.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures reveal to Mankind that thou truth which is of a nature that is divine, is one that brings thou light into thou world, and thou light is one that will overcome all that is evil.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures reveal that there is a protection for all against evil when there is prayer, and that when prayer is said in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in thou name of thou Holy Spirit,  that a prayer is one that can be described as empowered.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that Mankind will turn a back on all that is evil, and we hope and we pray that many will turn to thou, and we hope and we pray that good will overcome all that is evil.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake, in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and  in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all to save Mankind from all sin, and to show all thou way to thou, and in thou name of thou Holy Spirit, who lives within Man, and who dwells amongst Man, and who advocates for Man, now and always, for evermore.


You are invited to respond either by way of a comment or a prayer. Any prayers will be posted.

A reflection on thou Church (one of several)

Reflections of the day

1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Unity and Diversity in the Body

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.


The base trunk is our relationship with the Lord. Everything above it, all the branches, leaves and fruit rest in this relationship. It is out of our relationship with God that every kind of prayer comes forth. It is interesting that Jesus spoke of his relationship with his followers in similar terms. He said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

A reflection on thou Church (one of several)

Heavenly Father,

You art the creator of thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to Mankind, and thou hath created all things unseen by Mankind.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou nature is revealed in thou Holy Scriptures. We acknowledge thou as one Father, and we acknowledge thou as eternally existent in three persons; as thou, Our Heavenly Father, as thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and as thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou manifest in the flesh, and we acknowledge thou intention that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, came into thou world to save Mankind from all sin, and for Mankind to be shown thou way to thou. We acknowledge thou Holy Spirit enables many to live a life that can be described as one that thou desires, and we acknowledge that thou Holy Spirit enables many to witness  thou word of thouself, and to work in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that in times that can be described as recent, that thou Church hath experienced what can be described as a decline in attendance. We are able to see in a way that is clear that many say that there is no longer a relevance to attend a service at thou Church.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures teach Mankind what is thou purpose for an attendance in thou Church. We are able to see in a way that is clear that the nature of thou Church, and thou purpose of thou Church are ones that are connected. We are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures teach Mankind that there is a call to gather as a community, and that a gathering as a community is one that is known to all as thou Church. We are able to see in a way that is clear that a gathering of many at thou Church is one that thou desires, and is a  desire for all to be at one with thou, and to be at one with another. We are able to see in a way that is clear that the forming of thou Church is one that can be described as fundamental to a faith of thou, and that through a faith of thou many will be led into a divine relationship with thou.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we uphold to thou thou Church, and we hope and we pray that many will draw closer to thou by an attendance at thou Church, and we hope and we pray that many will see in a way that is clear there is a need for all to be united as thou Church.

Heavenly Father, we ask thou to guide Mankind in a daily life, and we ask thou to guide many at a time there is a gathering at thou Church, and we ask thou to guide many at a time there is a worship of thou, and we ask thou to guide many to draw closer to thou in order to perceive, and in order to discern, that there is a purpose for all that is one that is divine.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that Mankind will reflect carefully upon the nature of thou Church, and we hope and we pray that Mankind will reflect carefully upon thou purpose of thou Church, and we hope and we pray that Mankind will reflect carefully upon thou desire for Mankind to be at one with thou.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who together with thou Holy Spirit, reigns on most high, and is, and was, and always will be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power, and being, that governs all who are of this earth that we live on, now and always, for evermore.


You are invited to respond either by way of a comment or a prayer. Any prayers will be posted.

A reflection on having courage

Reflections for the day

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

 Trust in the LORD with all your heart

 and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Ephesians 6:10-11

The Armour of God

 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

A reflection on having courage

Heavenly Father,

Thou art the Creator of thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to Mankind, and thou hath created all things unseen by Mankind. Thou art almighty, and thou art most powerful, and we praise thou, and we exalt thou for thou power and for thou mightiness.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thouself, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, are at one with thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thou, and thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is thou source of all wisdom, and is thou source of all counsel, and we acknowledge that thouself,  and thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, stand supreme above all.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we desire to hear thou voice, and we desire that thou can guide Mankind with thou wisdom, and with thou counsel, and we desire that thou can guide many to tread a path which is one that is straight, and which is one that is narrow, toward thou light which is one that is eternal.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that many are able to see in a way that is clear that some live a life that can be described as one that is of difficulty. Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou call to each and all is for Mankind to be faithful to thou, and we acknowledge in order to be faithful to thou there is a need to place a faith in thou, and there is a need to place a trust in thou, and there is a need to place a belief in thou. We acknowledge in order to understand a relationship with thou, there is a need to reflect upon thou word that must be  perceived, and thou word that must be discerned in thou Scriptures, and there is a need to proffer a pray to thou on a basis that is regular, throughout a day.

Heavenly Father, we ask thou to guide all Mankind to gain an insight from thou word, and we ask thou to guide all Mankind to gain a wisdom from thou word, and we ask thou to help many to gain a sense of stability from thou word, and we ask thou to help many to gain a peace of mind from thou word.

Heavenly Father, many are able to see in a way that is clear  that thou world that we live in is a world that can be described as one that is temporal, and that to be thou obedient servant will mean that, at times, there is a need to turn a back on what is described as a world that is secular, and that in order to do so requires all to be faithful to thou always. We are able to see in a way that is clear that in order to be obedient to thou will mean that there is a  need to have courage, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that in order to be obedient to thou will mean there is a need to be dignified, and we are able to see in a way that is clear  that by a knowledge that thou is able to strengthen all who seek thou out for strength, in terms of needing what is described as courage, and what is described as tenacity, and that thou guidance is one that will always enable another to have courage.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there is a need to have courage in order to follow thou, and that to follow thou requires a measure of risk in thou world to place a faith, and to place a trust, and to place a belief in what is unseen by Mankind.

Heavenly Father, thou Scriptures reveal many who are of courage, and we acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, revealed the nature of what can be described as courage during a time on earth. We ask thou to help all to “stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.”

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we uphold to thou many who show a courage in the face of adversity, and we are thankful that many are able to turn to thou during a time of difficulty, and we are thankful that thou can strengthen all and  we are thankful that thou can guide all.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that at a time when a courage is needed that many will reflect carefully upon a situation and turn to thou for guidance. We hope and we pray that Mankind is able to see that thou art Our Heavenly Father who is faithful to all, and we hope and we pray that Mankind is able to see that thou art Our Heavenly Father who hath wisdom, and we hope and we pray that Mankind is able to see thou art Our Heavenly Father who is our counsellor, and we hope and we pray that Mankind is able to see thou can guide all, and that thou art with all, always.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake, in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and in thou name of thou Holy Spirit, who reigns over all who are of this world that we live in, now and always, for evermore.


You are invited to respond either by way of a comment or a prayer. Any prayers will be posted.

A reflection on the wonder of Our Lord

Reflections for the day

Isaiah 9:6

And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

John 14:27

 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

A reflection on the Wonder of Our Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father,

Thou art the creator of thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to Mankind, and thou hath created all things unseen by Mankind. Thou art almighty, and thou art most powerful, and we praise thou, and we exalt thou, for thou power, and for thou mightiness.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou bestowed upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the title Wonderful Counsellor. We acknowledge that thouself, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, are at one with thou Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that thouself, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, are thou source of all wisdom, and thou source of all counsel, and we acknowledge that thouself, and thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, stand supreme above all.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time many desire to hear thou voice, and it is at this time many desire that thou can guide all Mankind with thou wisdom, and with thou counsel.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou bestowed upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the title Mighty God. We are able to see in a way that is clear that in thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, dwells all the fullness of thou Deity, and that a fullness is in what is known as a bodily form. We are able to see in a way that is clear that thou created thou world, and we are able to see in a way that is clear thou power at work in thou world.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that thou hath a majesty, and we acknowledge that thou hath a mightiness, and that all thou mightiness is there for all to perceive and to discern if all turn to thou in prayer.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that many are able to turn to thou in praise and in thankfulness for thou creation, and we hope and we pray that many are able to see in a way that is clear that thou can provide a number of opportunities before all Mankind, and we hope and we pray that many are able to see in a way that is clear that Mankind has a freedom of will which will renege an opportunity that is provided by thouself.

Heavenly Father, thou bestowed upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the title Everlasting Father. We acknowledge that thou art Our Heavenly Father of eternity. We acknowledge that all thou plans and thou purposes are everlasting, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou plans and thou purposes for all Mankind are ones that are for eternity. We acknowledge that thou art a loving Father, and thou art a compassionate Father, and that thou love and compassion for Mankind is one that is there for all Mankind at all times.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we ask thou for a direction in a daily life, and we ask thou to help all to see thou plan for a self, and we ask thou to guide all Mankind so that a life will take on a purpose that can be described as one that is inspired by thou.

Heavenly Father, thou bestowed upon thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, thou title Prince of Peace. We acknowledge that through a death on the cross thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, made peace for all Mankind, and that thou way to thou is through thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we ask thou to help all to reflect upon a life carefully, and we ask thou to help all to say sorry for an error of a way, and we ask thou to help all to make a change in a life that is necessary, in order to remain upon a path which is one that is straight, and which is one that is narrow, and which is one that leads  toward thou light which is eternal.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that during thou time of  Easter  that many will turn to thou, and we hope and we pray that many will experience a peace, and will experience a  tranquillity, which only thou can impart.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake, in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and in thou name of thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who together with thou Holy Spirit, reigns on most high, and is, and was, and always will be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power and being, who governs all who live on thou earth, now and always, for evermore.


You are invited to respond either by way of a comment or a prayer. Any prayers will be posted.

A reflection on The Resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ

Reflections for the day

John 11:25-26

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

1 Corinthians 15:12-18

The Resurrection of the Dead

Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.  Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

A reflection on The Resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ

Heavenly Father,

Thou art the creator of thou world that we live in, and thou hath created all things known to Mankind, and all things unseen by Mankind. Thou art almighty, and thou art most powerful, and we praise thou for thou power and mightiness. We acknowledge that many of the events that happen in a life, and many of the events that have happened in a time gone by, have happened for a reason.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge thou majesty of thou risen Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we acknowledge thou purity of thou risen Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we acknowledge thou power of thou risen Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time of Easter that we reflect upon the meaning of the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that the doctrine of the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is one that is central to the Christian Faith. We acknowledge that the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was one that gave a meaning to a crucifixion, and we acknowledge that a crucifixion of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was one that thou intended, and thou intention was for the death of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to be one that took on the sins of all Mankind, and that by taking on the sins of all Mankind, thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, showed all Mankind thou way to thou.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures reveal a number of occasions when thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, appeared in the flesh following a resurrection, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou Scriptures reveal that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, appeared in daylight, and in a lit room, and that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was able to appear and was able to disappear at will, and that an appearance is one that can be described as visible, and an appearance is one that can be described as tangible. We are able to see in a way that is clear that on an occasion when thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, appeared to thou disciples, and on an occasion when thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, appeared to another, that there was an  appearance of a likeness of a body as that in which thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, had been entombed.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that many accept that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was conceived by what is described as by a conception of immaculation, and we acknowledge that thou Son,Our Lord Jesus Christ, lived a life that is described as one free from sin, and we acknowledge that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, died a death to save Mankind from all sin by showing all thou way to thou, and thou way to thou is through a forgiveness of all sins, and by a repentance by a self.

Heavenly Father, all of thou life, and all of thou ministry, and the death and the resurrection of thou Son,Our Lord Jesus Christ, is accepted by many in faith. We are able to see in a way that is clear that the death and the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was necessary in order for all to perceive, and in order for all to discern, an origin of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that the death and the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was necessary in order for all to perceive, and in order for all to discern, that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, had accomplished what was promised in terms of proclaiming the word of thouself, and was necessary in order for all to perceive, and in order for all to discern, that the death and the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was a fulfilment of thou prophecies of thou Old Testament, and that it was necessary in order for all to perceive, and in order for all to discern, that the death and resurrection of thou Son, Our  Lord Jesus Christ, provided thou way to thou through the forgiveness of all sin, and through a repentance of a sin by a self.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that many believe in the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that some fail to understand the significance of the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we ask thou to guide all Mankind to reflect carefully on the error of a way, and we ask thou to guide many to say sorry for an error of a way, and we ask thou to guide many to repent for an error of a way. We hope and we pray that many will see a day as the beginning of a journey toward thou light which is eternal and is of thou, and we hope and we pray that many are able to see in a way that is clear that a path toward thou light which is one that is eternal, is one which is straight, and is one which is narrow, and we hope and we pray that many will turn to thou always.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that thouself hath spake, in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, who together with thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and thou Holy Spirit, reigns on most high, and is, and was, and always will be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power and being, that governs over all who are of thou world that we live in, now and always, for evermore.


You are invited to respond either by way of a comment or a prayer. Any prayers will be posted.

A reflection on the Christian Faith (one of several)

Reflections for the day

John 20:6-8

Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen. Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed.

Ephesians 2:8-9

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

James 2:14

14 What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?

Prayer is of transcendent importance. Prayer is the mightiest agent to advance God’s work. Praying hearts and hands only can do God’s work. Prayer succeeds when all else fails.

– E. M. Bounds

A reflection on the Christian faith (one of several)

Heavenly Father,

It is at this time of Holy Week that we reflect upon the nature of faith, and it is at this time of Holy Week we acknowledge the time when thou disciples of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, went into the tomb where thou body of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, had been placed. We acknowledge that in the tomb where thou body of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, had been placed the disciples of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, were able to see in a way that was clear that the grave-clothes of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, lay in what can be described as a fold that was original, and that the body of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was absent.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that thou disciples saw, and thou disciples believed, and that a belief was one in the resurrection of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that many know that to have a faith of thou is to believe, and is to trust, in the unseen. We are able to see in a way that is clear that many  have a faith of thou that believes that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, died on a cross for  all Mankind, in order to show all Mankind thou way to thou.

Heavenly Father, thou art a loving Father, and thou art a merciful Father, and we are thankful that by thou grace thou are able to save all from a sin. Heavenly Father, we are thankful that through thou forgiveness a sin can be forgiven, if a sorrow is proffered for the error of a way, and a change in a life is made that reflects an error of a way.

Heavenly Father, we ask thou to guide Mankind in a daily life to be able to express a love for thou. Heavenly Father, we are thankful that there is assurance of a continued salvation through thou presence of thou Holy Spirit who lives within Man, and who dwells amongst Man, and who advocates for Man. We are thankful that through thou sanctifying grace many are able to grow and are able to mature in a faith of thou, and we hope and we pray that all are able to live a life that emulates thou life of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we acknowledge the many who demonstrate a love for thou, and it is at this time we acknowledge the many who attended a walk of witness of yesterday in thou name of thouself, and the many who contributed to a performance known as “The Passion of Jesus,” at Trafalgar Square in thou name of thouself, and for a performance at Preston which brought many together in thou name of thou.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge a request of thou former Archbishop of Cantebury, to wear a cross as a symbol of a faith of thou, and we hope and we pray that all will be able to perceive, and that all will be able to discern, that a cross is a symbol of a faith of thou, and is one that should be permitted to be worn.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there is a need to demonstrate a faith of thou by deed, and that in order to do so there is a need to think all in thou name of thou, and to say all in thou name of thou, and to do all in thou name of thou. We are able to see in a way that is clear that there is a need to respond with compassion to a need of another, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that there is a need to work for justice in a community. Heavenly Father, we ask thou to strengthen thou call to love thou neighbour, and we ask thou to increase a desire to emulate thou life of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we uphold to thou the good work of the many who contribute, and the good work of the many who manage a food bank for the many who are in need of nourishment.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we hope and we pray that many will reflect carefully upon the nature of faith, and we ask that many are able to see in a way that is clear that to have a faith of thou requires what is described as a good work to be done in thou name of thouself. We ask that thou can guide all, and we ask thou to direct all so that an inner thought, and so that an inner motive, and so that a deed, and so that a behaviour, is one that remains in an alignment with thou will.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thouself, Our Heavenly Father, all that hath been spake, in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, and in thou name of thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in thou name of thou Holy Spirit, who reigns on most high, and who is, and who was, and who will always be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power and being, that reigns over all who are of this earth that we live on, now and always, for evermore.
