A reflection on the Sanctity of Life

Reflections for the day

Philippians 1:21

For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven;

a time to be born, and a time to die;

Listen, my friend! Your helplessness is your best prayer. It calls from your heart to the heart of God with greater effect than all your uttered pleas. He hears it from the very moment that you are seized with helplessness, and He becomes actively engaged at once in hearing and answering the prayer of your helplessness.


A reflection on the Sanctity of Life

Heavenly Father,

We are able to see in a way that is clear that many are able to live a life that is long and fulfilling. We are able to see in a way that is clear that for much of the time a life that is led is one that can be described as one that remains on an even keel. We are able to see in a way that is clear that for many there is a need to be able to cope with the ups and downs that a life brings. We are able to see in a way that is clear that many are able to live to a time that can be described as old. We are able to see in a way that is clear  that for many that is a desire, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many are able to die in a manner that is fitting.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that for some it is not possible to live a life until a self is old. We acknowledge some are unable to see in a way that is clear how to cope with a life. We are able to see in a way that is clear that for some a death would be a preferable outcome. We are able to see in a way that is clear that much has been said in the media about death as a desirable outcome that can be chosen by a self, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that for some that is a desire. We are able to see in a way that is clear that many are unable to come to terms with an outcome of a choice of dying being one that is made.

Heavenly Father, much has been said in the media about what is described as dying in a way that is assisted, and much has been said in the media about euthanasia. We are able to see in a way that is clear that some have a desire for a law of this country to be changed, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that there are many who have a desire for a law in this country to remain the same. We are able to see in a way that is clear that for a Christian this will cause a concern that is deep in terms of permitting what is described as assisting a death, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many will feel much the same way. We are able to see in a way that is clear that your Scriptures reveal that a life is one that must be given a high regard. We are able to see in a way that is clear that your Scriptures invite all Mankind to have a life that is eternal with you, Our Heavenly Father, and we are able to see in a way that is clear  that this is an outcome that is one that should be desired.

Heavenly Father, we ask you to guide all Mankind to have an understanding of a life that is eternal with you.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that much is not not understood about a self, and  much is not understood about a future of a self. We are able to see in a way that is clear that your Scriptures teach all Mankind that you are Our Heavenly Father who knows all, and you are Our Heavenly Father who sees all, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that your Scriptures teach all Mankind that you are Our Loving Father, and you are Our Compassionate Father.

Heavenly Father, we ask you to guide  Mankind to turn to you at a time of sorrow, and we hope and we pray that many will reflect carefully upon the sanctity of life.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there are times in a life when the sanctity of life is disregarded. There is much said in the media about an event that occurs that sadden all. An event is one that can be described as torture, and an event is one that has occurred in your nation of Syria. Heavenly Father, we ask you to provide a number of opportunities to be placed before all Mankind so that an issue, and a concern, that there is for your nation of Syria, can be addressed in a way that will mean a violence will cease, and we hope and we pray that many will make a right choice in terms of a thought, and in terms of a word, and in terms of a deed. Heavenly Father, it is at this time we are thankful for the good works of Amnesty International, and it is at this time we are thankful for the good works of the Red Cross, and it is at this time we are thankful for the good works of the Syrian Red Crescent.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we uphold to you your people of the nation of Afghanistan and it is at this time we uphold to you all members of Armed Forces. Much has been said in the media about a recent event in Afghanistan, and much of what has happened in a time that is recent  has been less than acceptable, and has been less than desirable for your people of the nation of Afghanistan, and for all members of Armed Forces. We are able to see in a way that is clear that an event that is recent is one that has been tragic, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that an event that is recent has demeaned the sanctity of life. We ask you to comfort all who have been affected by an event that is recent in your nation of Afghanistan.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that there are a number of occasions when a life that is bestowed by you upon all is given a regard that is less than desirable. We are able to see in a way that is clear that much has been said in the media about abortion, and we are able to see in a way that is clear that many have a view on a potentiality of a baby that is new born. Heavenly Father, it is at this time we desire to uphold the sanctity of life, and we ask you to provide a number of opportunities before many to reflect carefully upon all issues pertaining to abortion. We acknowledge your desire for a due regard to be given to a new life from a moment of conception. Heavenly Father, we ask you to provide a number of opportunities to be placed before the Government of this country to reflect carefully upon the sanctity of life.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to yourself, Our Heavenly Father, all that has been said in the name of yourself, Our Heavenly Father, and in the name of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who together with your Holy Spirit, is the Redeemer of all Mankind, and who is, and who was, and who will always be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power and being, that governs over all who are of this world that we live in, and who will always be the Creator of all life in this world that we live in, now and always, for evermore.


Posted on March 15, 2012, in Afghanistan, suffering, Syria, The Sanctity of Life and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Daphne Williams

    Holy Father, you have given us the ability to gain knowledge. Indeed, medical research is a valuable asset to mankind, for new treatments and technology are improving care. Doctors and nurses have been trained to assist sick people and palliative care is essential to provide patients with dignity and respect in their last days here on earth. Most people in the medical profession would not end people’s lives because of horrendous disabilities and whilst, ‘locked-in-syndrome ‘ must be extremely hard to bear, there might be a cure around the corner!

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