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A reflection on forgiveness (one of several)

Reflections for the day

Isaiah 43: 25

“I, even I, am he who blots out
your transgressions, for my own sake,
and remembers your sins no more.

Luke 15:3-7

 Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

There is nothing that makes us love a man so much as praying for him. –William Law

A reflection on forgiveness (one of several)

Heavenly Father,

Thou art a loving Father and thou art a compassionate Father, and we praise thou, and we uphold thou name on high.

Heavenly Father,we are able to see that many of us are able to express a love for thou, and we are able to see that the love that is expressed for thou is one that is all encompassing. We are able to see that thou love that thou hath for Man is one that is enduring, and we are able to see that thou love thou hath for Man is one that is eternal. Many of us are able to see that thou love thou hath for Man is one that is there for all, and many of us are able to see that thou love thou hath for Man is one that is desirable for Mankind.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that when thou Son, Our LordJesus Christ, died upon the cross, that thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, took upon thouself all the sins of Mankind. We acknowledge that thou death of thou Son, our Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross enables all of Man to find thou way to thou.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that Man has sinned since time began, and that a sinful way is one that cause a separation from thou. We are able to see that some of what hath happened in a life can be described as an event that some would sooner forget. Some of these events are ones that can be described as failures, and some of these events are ones that can be described as sinful. Some feel that these failures and some  feel that these sins are ones that are indelible.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we ask thou to guide Man to reflect upon the error of a way, and we ask thou to guide Man to make a change in a life that means that Man hath turned away from sin, and turned toward thou.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see that thou desires us to repent, and we are able to see that thou desires us to forgive those who have offended us or upset us.

Heavenly Father, we ask thou to guide us in our daily lives so that we are able to pardon those who have upset us or offended us, and we ask thou to help us to no longer feel resentment or anger toward all who hath offended or upset us.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge thou art a loving Father who is willing to forgive, and we acknowledge thou art a loving Father who will put aside a sin that hath been proffered in sorrow, and with a will, and with a desire, to make a change in a life that is necessary.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time we reflect carefully upon thou sacrifice of thou Son,Our Lord Jesus Christ which was made for all Man when thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ died upon the cross. We uphold to thou a;; who are unable to forgive and we uphold to thou all who are unable to forget those who have sinned against them.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that Mankind will relinquish the bitterness that is felt toward another, we hope and we pray, that Mankind will relinquish the hate that is felt toward another, and we hope and we pray that Mankind will relinquish the anger that is felt  toward another, and we hope and we pray that Mankind will turn to thou and seek forgiveness.

Heavenly Father, help us not to grieve thou by persisting in remembering what thou hath forgiven and what thou hath put to one side.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to thou all that hath been spake in thou name of thouself, Our Heavenly Father, who together with thou Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ and thou Holy Spirit is, and was, and always will be the most supreme and most absolute power and being that rules over all of this world that we live on and is, and was, and always will be an Advocate for all Man, now and always, for evermore.


You are invited to respond either by way of a comment or a prayer. Any prayers will be posted.