A reflection on the ministry of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ

A reflection for the day

Prayer is essentially the expression of our heart longing for love.  It is not so much the listing of our requests but the breathing of our own deepest request, to be united with God as fully as possible.

-Jeffrey D. Imbach, in the Recovery of Love

A reflection on the ministry of Jesus

Heavenly Father,

It is at this time that we reflect upon the words of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, which are words that are recorded in your Gospels, and which are words that are recorded in the letters of St Paul, and in the letters of Peter, and in the letter of James. We acknowledge that a word of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is one that is recorded in a way that is different in a Gospel, and we acknowledge that each Gospel has a message which is a message that is one that all must reflect upon in order to draw closer to you. We acknowledge that your Gospels teach Mankind about your Kingdom of Heaven, and we acknowledge that all need to  perceive a word that is recorded, and all need to discern a word that is recorded, in order for a self to be able to draw closer to you, Our Heavenly Father. We acknowledge that there is a hope of a life that is eternal with you, if a self is able, and if a self is willing, to tread a path, that is a path which is straight, and which is that is narrow, that turns a back upon all that is not in alignment with a thought of yours.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that a parable is for many a parable that is difficult to perceive, and is difficult to discern, in terms of understanding a thought of yours. We acknowledge that a parable has what is described as a layer of  a meaning, and that in order to understand a parable there needs to be an acceptance of a time that was lived out in a time that was alongside the life of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Heavenly Father, we ask you to guide all Mankind in a life that is daily, and we ask you to guide all of Mankind in being able to perceive, and in being able to discern, all that is desirous of you in terms of a reading of a parable, and in terms of a reading of a passage of your Scriptures.

Heavenly Father, it is at this time, and in a time of the future, all will need to reflect upon all sins that have been committed, and all errors of a way that have been committed. We hope and we pray that many will proffer a sorrow for a sin, and many will proffer a sorrow for an error of a way, and many will incur a change in the life of a self for the better, that is a change that will reflect a repentance, which is necessary in order to be at one with you, Our Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, we are able to see in a way that is clear that the ministry of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was one of a love for the many who are vulnerable. We acknowledge that there are many in your world at this time who are vulnerable, and we acknowledge that many who are vulnerable are children. We acknowledge that many have a desire that those who are vulnerable are cared for in a way which is of a nature that is compassionate.

Heavenly Father, we hope and we pray that a child who is vulnerable can enjoy the care of a family that is loving and is compassionate, and we hope and we pray that a legislation that exists can uphold a care for a child who is vulnerable in a way that is loving, and in a way that is compassionate.

Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that many have a desire for compassion to be evident in your world. We hope and we pray that some are able to reflect carefully upon a need to be compassionate, and upon a need to be loving to another. We ask you to guide all to have  the wisdom, and all to have an understanding to be compassionate, in all that is thought, and in all that is said, and in all that is done.

Heavenly Father, we uphold to yourself, Our Heavenly Father, all that has been said in the name of yourself, Our Heavenly Father, and in the name of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who together with your Holy Spirit, is, and was, and always will be, the most supreme, and the most absolute power and being, that reigns over all who are of your world that we live in, now and always, for evermore.


Posted on February 28, 2012, in Lent, love, The ministry of Jesus and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. At present there is a campaign concerning care of the elderly. They do need to be treated with compassion and empathy. I am aware that professionals in the NHS are collaborating with their colleagues in looking, in depth, at how carers/professionals are portrayed. Indeed, according to the media, some doctors find difficulty in knowing how to treat dementia patients without resorting to strong sedative drugs. I pray that more understanding is given to the elderly at the end of their lives. It should be remembered that the professionals/carers will eventually become elderly themselves!

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